Colson Group USA - Caster CAD 3D

Caster CAD 3D: On-the-Go Interactive CAD Models

Don’t Miss The Training Video Below!

Smartphones and tablets have integrated into the workplace and are providing a previously unprecedented ease of accomplishing sales tasks on-the-go. Whether you are sitting in your customer’s office or out on the plant floor, our devices are allowing us to quickly serve-up information and content like never before.

To leverage this technology and apply it to casters, Colson Group USA set out to deliver the industry with the first 3D caster and wheel app, Caster CAD 3D. Caster CAD 3D provides many similar features to our recently updated websites, including the ability to customize products to match desired specifications, and the ability to send native CAD files or product datasheets to you or your customer – but all from your phone our tablet! Anytime, anywhere (with wi-fi or data reception that is).

Caster CAD 3D is a mobile application available for iOS devices from the App Store, and for Android devices from Google Play.

We can write more, but think it is just best to watch the following video (or continue reading below) to see it in action:

Click any image below to view larger.

Caster CAD 3D - Catalog ViewCaster CAD 3D - Configurable Options

Caster CAD 3D allows you to browse catalog offerings for all Colson Group USA brands. Select any brand to begin exploring. Drill down into a product category and series that suits your application. Utilize the sidebar arrow to expand the options menu. This menu will allow you to customize a series to you desired specifications. Any field – such as Bearing Options or Wheel Diameter – with a pencil icon can be edited.

Caster CAD 3D - Configure Options by Part NumberSelect series may require you to scroll up or down in the menu to find additional SKUs. If this the case, simply look for a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to expand or contract, respectively, any SKU to see its configurable options.

Once you have made your desired changes, you will need to select “Generate Preview” to apply your changes to the 3D Model. After the component loads, hide the options menu to view the newly configured model.

Caster CAD 3D - Real World ViewAt any point, you may choose to interact with the model. User one finger to drag and rotate the product view; two fingers allow zooming and more controlled rotation. Various icons also appear on the screen to allow different product views, including preset viewing angles, various augmented reality views, and even Real World View. Real World View utilizes your device camera to visualize how a caster might appear on your finished product.

Caster CAD 3D - Email Datasheet and CAD FilesIf the chosen caster configuration is the correct one for you, head back into the options menu to send or share this model. There are two options: “Share” will allow you to share the configured SKU via various social applications. “E-mail CAD/PDF” will allow you to email a CAD file and/or Product Datasheet to yourself or other team members. If you have not yet entered your contact information, you will need to fill out a short form; the app will store this information and facilitates further document sending. Confirm the email address and desired CAD format before selecting “E-mail CAD Model”. You will receive an email with a ZIP file containing your model; unzip to use.

Caster CAD 3D is a great tool for on-the-go product specification, especially when you’re on a shop floor, working quickly with customers, or somewhere with limited computer access. Download Caster CAD 3D today to find the perfect solution for your mobility needs.